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Why Go to a Sports Medicine Specialist?

Why Go to a Sports Medicine Specialist?

With the kind of physical demand placed on the body during playing sports, athletes tend to have an elevated risk for injury. Whether you experience an injury from an accident, competitive sports, or from a demanding training regimen, almost every athlete—amateur, or professional—will need medical assistance from a trained professional at some point during their active life.

People with active lifestyles are often at risk for sports-related injuries, plain and simple. Sports medicine doctors have special training to restore function to injured patients so they can get moving again as soon as possible. Therefore, sports medicine specialists are specialized doctors who can properly diagnose all athletic injuries and provide treatments that restore a more pain-free condition. A sports medicine team is typically made up of individuals from a variety of fields, such as orthopedic surgery, primary care medicine, athletic training, physical therapy, and nutrition.

Sports medicine specialists are also knowledgeable about preventing illness and injury in active people. Although sports medicine doctors do work with professional athletes, you do not have to be a high-level athlete, as they also treat amateur athletes, weekend-warriors, children and teens involved in sports, adults who exercise for personal fitness, as well as people who have physically demanding jobs.

Reasons to see a sports medicine specialist:

At Powell & Jones Orthopedics Center, our skilled orthopedic physicians provide diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of sports injuries, including the following:

To get treated by a sports medicine specialist, call Powell & Jones Orthopedics Center in Birmingham, Alabama at (205) 877-9191, or request an appointment online.

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